
Cherie Bixler currently owns a pattern making business that provides the
services of pattern making and consulting. Cherie has over 25 years
industry experience. During this time she has worked for manufacturing
companies designing, making patterns and consulting in quality control.
She has also done trade shows and was named Industry Innovator by
Style Industries. Cherie has worked with well-established companies to
start new divisions and develop fit standards. She also works with start-up
companies taking them from their initial concept through to the production
process. She enjoys consulting clients throughout the process to
insure that they have a successful experience.
Please take the opportunity to check out her recently publish book!!

1 Response to About

  1. Michelle Robinson says:

    Dear Cherie,

    I am a student at our local community college and I am hoping to one day start a pattern making business. I would welcome any insight and advice that you could share with me on your career.

    Thanks so much for your time,


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